Monday, February 26th – Prompt A Day

Prompts For February 2024

Good Day to you in whatever part of the world you are. Thank you for continuing to receive Prompt A Day in your inbox. Feel free to hit reply to send your comments to me.

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Here’s Today’s Prompts:

  • Word Prompt: Sundrenched
  • Non-Fiction: Investigate the role of sunlight in various religious and spiritual practices, exploring its symbolic and literal importance.
  • Creative Non-Fiction: Describe a moment of profound peace or connection to something larger than yourself, using vivid imagery to capture the feeling of being “sundrenched.”
  • Fiction: Write a dystopian or allegorical story about a world shrouded in darkness, where a single ray of sunlight becomes a symbol of hope and resistance.
  • Quote: “Let sunshine bathe the dark of winter away.” – Victor Hugo

Have a great day and may your creativity be boundless

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