Nicheless Narrative 2023
Podcast EpisodesNarrative 2023
Nicheless Narrative is a regular weekly podcast on which I narrate content I’ve previously published. I update the content and then record them. The 2023 season had 26 episodes.
Securing My Coffee Cup – Ep 8
This week I’m sharing about my valued coffee cup and the fight to protect it. Pets, like a cat, can be wonderful companions. I have two cats, Hobo and Tramp. Tramp is quieter but still very much a delightful companion to have in my home.
Finding Resiliency — Ep 7
Resiliency is something we all have the ability for. We just need to be willing to try.
Thank you for listening to Nicheless Narrative. All my podcasts can be found on nichelessandlovingit.com. While you’re there, maybe you’d like to subscribe to my weekly newsletter, Nicheless & Loving It.
Until Next Thursday, have a great week
To Error Is Human, Right? – Ep. 6
Welcome to Nicheless Narrative, a weekly podcast bringing you the audio version of content I have written. I’m ShadowsPub a writer and creator of books like journals and coloring books.
This week I’m sharing a mistake I made and what happened when I admitted the mistake.
Exploring Our Duality – Ep 5
Duality in life is an important part of our life experience. It’s also a part we rarely give much thought to how it effects life’s ebbs and flows. Speaking of ebbs and flows, my cat Tramp decided to add some editorial comment to my recording. She’s kind of mouthy like that.
Thank you for listening to Nicheless Narrative. All my podcasts can be found on nichelessandlovingit.com. While you’re there, maybe you’d like to subscribe to my weekly newsletter, Nicheless & Loving It.
Until Next Thursday, have a great week
Down the Diary Rabbit Hole – Ep. 4
Welcome to Nicheless Narrative, a weekly podcast bringing you the audio version of content I have written. I’m ShadowsPub a writer and creator of books like journals and coloring books.
Last week’s episode explored journaling and note-taking from a creative’s viewpoint. This week, I’m taking us back in time as I explore the endearing value of diaries kept through the ages.
Journal to Capture Your Brain – Ep. 3
Are you considering taking up journaling or note-taking now?
I have only recently added a personal journaling practice to my practice of taking notes on content I consume. Using Obsdian, I’m able to create an interlinked and cross-referenced system that makes finding my notes pretty easy.
Thank you for listening to Nicheless Narrative. If you’d like to subscribe to my weekly newsletter, Nicheless & Loving It, just visit the nichelessandlovingit.com website.
Until Next Thursday, have a great week
Neutrality To Injustice Supports the Oppressor – Ep. 2
I hold a dream of a world where people respect each other and feel no need to bully.
Most bullies are themselves wounded people. It’s not an excuse for their behaviour but it’s something to remember. It doesn’t make the person a bad person. It makes them badly behaved.
Thank you for listening today. The home for Niceless Narrative can be found on Nichlessandlovingit.com where you can hear past podcasts and subscribe to my weekly newsletter.
Waiting For A Late Train – Episode. 1
Welcome back to Nicheless Narrative
We all have embarrassing stories to share, if we’re brave enough.
Today I’m sharing a Post I wrote in January 2022 in response to a community challenge on the Hive blockchain to share an embarrassing story.
Introduction Nicheless Narrative 2023
Welcome to 2023 and Nicheless Narrative. I’ll be bringing you content I have created and published. It will be a variety of content.