#84 – Finding the Balance

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We’ve come almost to the end of the first month of 2024. While I’m making progress getting my websites setup, not nearly as much as I had hoped. Funny how jobs seem so much faster to do in our heads.

Writing has taken a back seat to me working on building websites other than creating and publishing the Daily Echoes every day. (I used to call them Word of the Day.) I did put out a fun post on Saturday that I’ll share below.

I published the trailer for season 2 of the Nicheless Narrative this past week. Doing so commits me to writing a least one post a week other than the Echoes. It will be delivered in audio format on my podcast.

It’s always an interesting push-pull proposition trying to find balance between what I want to accomplish and the hours in a given day. Yet, balance is what drives accomplishing anything. If I focus solely on one or two activities to the exclusion of everything else, I get those activities done but neglect the others.

Then add in time and energy or personal care, meals and tending to other chores. This isn’t me whining. I’m sharing that no matter how much someone appears to be organized and on track, there’s always a balancing act going on behind the scenes.

Some people make life balance look easy. Maybe for some it is, but I doubt it. If you have aspirations for more than staring at the TV, then managing time and energy is crucial. If you’re looking at those who make it look easy and thinking you’ll never be able to — STOP.

The difference between those who make it look easy and the person who thinks they can’t achieve the balance is — the easy look comes through effort and willing to adjust as needed. It doesn’t come by giving up.

Give thought to what you want to accomplish. Make lists, write out your ideas, and then list what you see as the challenges to accomplishing your desires are. Go through each one and make counter arguments. If you can’t found a counter argument or how to solve the blockage, seek out ideas from others or do searches to find out how others solve them.

If I’ve learned nothing else in the last few years, I have learned no problem is so unique that someone else hasn’t experienced it. The answers are out there, it’s a matter of how open you are to finding them.

What have I accomplished? The Nicheless & Loving it site is updated. I’ve added the archive of Prompt A Day emails for January and the back issues of this newsletter. I’ve setup Shadows Central on one of my original domains to serve as an information hub for all the sites I’m setting up. This will allow me to use one website link to promote all the sites.

What’s next? I’ll be starting to build Reflective Echoes which will be the home to the Daily Echoes. Once it’s built a new email list will be started called Daily Echoes. Subscribers will get the image and quote in their email daily. The reflections will also have their home there and I’ll be setting up the first of two shops on the site. As mentioned earlier, I have to write at least one post this coming week to produce my podcast.

I hope you have a great week.

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Quote of the Week

“Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other.” – Walter Elliot

Published This Week

Innovative Housing From Nature
I thought I would have some fun today. I saw a post on another site where someone used the idea of living in giant pieces of fruit as a prompt for DALLE 3. In these days with a housing crisis happening in many countries, governments are searching for innovative ways to get affordable housing built quickly. Now mind you, engineering large enough fruits and vegetables to turn into homes might take some time but, what the heck, person needs to dream eh.

Who is ShadowsPub?
Yes, ShadowsPub is a real person. I live in a small community in Eastern Ontario. Many years ago, when I started writing online I chose to use this pseudonym to provide a level of privacy. Over the years it has become my creative persona and I will continue to use it.
I know, some people have difficulty seeing me as a ‘real person’ which I makes me laugh. If I had used Jane Smith and created a fake image of what I was supposedly to looked like, no one would blink an eye. Yet, it would be about 95% fake.

Who Shared at PYPT on Jan. 25th?
Pimp Your Post Thursday (PYPT) is a live content curation show happening every Thursday at noon Eastern in the DreemPort Discord. Some great discussions take place during the shows. Anyone who creates content anywhere can share it on PYPT—community matters. PYPT is a community you’re welcome to drop into.

Podcast This Week

Daily Echoes

Final Thought

“You just can’t beat the person who never gives up.” – Babe Ruth

Take care and be safe.
Shadows Pub