#85 — A Short Catchup

February 12, 2024

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Just a quick check in today. Projects always go so much faster in our heads than in reality. I’m still working on building site infrastructure. Progress has been slow but, it is indeed progress and I’m not about to give up.

I’ve been publishing my Daily Echoes but very little other writing. I was working on drafting some future posts last week when my mind got to thinking about how some of them I should add to the related sites. Then I had a debate with myself if I really wanted to spread out my posts even if they are on my sites.

The purpose of creating Shadows Central is to create a hub for my creative work. I need to work out how I want that to look. My internal debate finally decided the blog on Shadows Central will become where my posts will be, not scattered around the sites. It really can be surprising how quickly clutter can develop.

Those are details that slow me down. I think taking the time now to work through what I want and how to stay true to the vision, I’ll save time later. I won’t need to redo the sites if I do them with an eye to the future now.

Two groups I’ve been part of for some time are collaborating this month, Creative Work Hour and DreemPort. The objective is to work on and create an in-depth post on something we’ve not usually talked about. I’ve had people asking me about my workflow and how I use AI. To talk about that, I also need to talk about the Daily Echoes that I post every day. The deadline for the post is February 22nd. I’ve been carving out time to work on it.

One concern I’ve had with using AI as part of my workflow is that I could unconsciously allow AI’s writing style to drift into mine. I’ll use AI to gather thoughts and ideas together for me to consider, but any writing is my own, and that will not change. To check myself, I have subscribed to a site that will check writing to determine how much of it is human written. It also will check for plagiarism and facts.

I sometimes will use editing software when I’m writing to check my work. The AI scanners will pick up on the use of editing software as they have AI integrated into them. If you’re using editing software, you’re okay with basic grammar corrections. If you allow the software to rephrase parts of the work, it will trigger an AI detector. When editing software makes suggestions to me, I try to rephrase it my way. It not only holds to my writing style, but the exercise strengthens my writing.

Another week begins and I’m hopeful of more progress on my sites. We’ll see how I do next Monday.

I hope you have a great week.

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Quote of the Week

“Open your eyes, let the world flood in. Every sight a fleeting aperture to what is, and what could be.” – David Abram

Published This Week

Curious About What I Do With AI?
AI has been a controversial subject in some areas of the Hive community. There are some who don’t want it used at all. Others are okay with using it but don’t generate your content with it. AI is not just a disruptive technology, it’s fast become a paradigm shift on the scale of the one we saw when computers started appearing in homes and then the World Wide Web came out. It changed how we work, live and communicate.

Let’s Recap PYPT From February 8th
Pimp Your Post Thursday (PYPT) is a live content curation show happening every Thursday at noon Eastern in the DreemPort Discord. Some great discussions take place during the shows. Anyone who creates content anywhere can share it on PYPT—community matters. PYPT is a community you’re welcome to drop into.

Final Thought

“The writer’s eye captures the world in words, crafting sentences like brushstrokes across a canvas, each word an aperture to unseen realms.” – Unknown

Take care and be safe.
Shadows Pub